Home fragrance and candle Culti Milano。The Culti Milano concept, brainchild of Alessandro Agrati, is a design aesthetic that combines fashion, perfume, food and interiors in what Culti describe as a 'project of the senses'. Its aim is to appeal to our senses of smell, hearing, touch, sight and taste simultaneously, almost on a subconscious level. For a clearer appreciation of what this actually means, the fruits of Agrati's theory can be witnessed at the company's new hotel La Sommita Relais Culti in the southern Italian province of Puglia. Here luxury and a genuine sense of tranquillity combine in what is a restrained and beautifully peaceful habitat.Culti products materials are natural and colours are kept subtle and neutral for a calming and restful effect.
噹噹噹~~好消息!! 雖然CULTI Milano香氛的門市價格實在不斐,還好V媽公司每個月都有固定的從歐洲選購傢俱飾品走貨櫃回台,其中當然也包含了各種不同香味的CULTI擴香,要是有興趣的朋友也歡迎聯絡V媽,好東西要與好朋友分享唷。CULTI官網: http://www.culti.it/
◎ 極景「門市」
◎ 青山「VIP實品屋」
◎ 御寶「旗艦店」