
Poliform lifestyle stories

Poliform的義式品味遠近馳名,簡約優雅配上高品質的內涵,還有堅持的原創設計。最大的特色便是如同義大利的時尚服裝給人的感覺,多變且選擇性多,一一變成其品牌的最大特色。除了居家空間打造外,目前已完成的大型案列有:One Central Park at AOL Time Warner (此案贏得紐約New York Construction 雜誌的Best Project 2003)Palmolive building 芝加哥、Palmolive building 芝加哥、Fiat Mirafiori多倫多、 Peck超級市場米蘭、Juventus Lounge義大利都靈、Parliament View倫敦、West India Quay倫敦…..等。

Varenna廚具亦傳承百年工藝技術,於1996年正式加入Poliform旗下,在Poliform視覺美學的整體統籌下展現了Varenna廚房簡約而優雅的迷人特質。Varenna廚房的設計與發展過程可謂挑沙揀金,細節處理無不獨到精要,除Varenna本身的設計團隊外,同時延攬當代重要的建築師Paolo Piva投入廚房的設計工作,MatrixAlea系列便出自於他的建築之眼,展現Varenna廚房前所未有的簡鍊風格。Varenna廚房目前共有八個系列,Varenna廚房的特色之一便是各個系列均可多重搭配,展現絕佳的組合彈性,是一個真正包含多樣美學物件,可自由搭配,滿足多元生活型態的個性化廚房。

Stories of experiences and lifestyles: Poliform interprets home projects that explore different aesthetic choices and composition. A variety of furnishing solution ranging from libraries to the cabinets, beds additions. The complements Poliform collection is a true global project, able to interpret different concepts of living. Projects of great originality that can be both welcoming and relaxing, as Poliform style. Axia is a cupboard with doors with a hinge pin, with 180 ° opening. The frame is available in Spessart oak, elm or white matt 28 colors, insert day matt 28 colors. Painted metal basement. Class, wall-mounted cupboard Spessart oak, has a cutlery drawer with two folding doors, open shelf and drawer in leather or Spessart oak. Ego Day is a showcase with glass transparent reflective doors, profile bronzed varnished or lacquered matt in 28 colors. Interior fitted with drawers and shelves suspended with minimum thickness, with the lighting system. In the system of tables Woodstock, composed of basic geometric free combination, each element can be accomplished in a different finish, a choice of matt in 28 colors, white oak and elm spessart.








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